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Back to College: Amazon Prime Must Haves

laptops on a table with things

Going back to college means moving back to campus. Whether you live on or off campus, you will need to stock up on supplies for the new school year. Here are some products that you can get at a lower price, thanks to Amazon’s back-to-school deals.

Do you want to save some money on back to college shopping? If your answer is yes, read on.

What to Bring to College

For incoming students, this is a huge stressor. It stresses out parents and first-time college students alike. Is a TV absolutely necessary if the dorm lounge has one? My personal opinion: yes. You do need a tv or projector. Either will work. Of course, you can watch the next season of Love Island on your laptop. *Cue Cher’s instinctive phrase* Ugh. As if!

You don’t want to get mid-episode of Love Island just for your laptop to die. The good news: a TV doesn’t run out of battery.

A good TV or a fancy bluetooth projector are not the only things you should buy for college. You will need the basics.

Basic College Necessities

pink bath towels

This is just a general list. Of course, you may need more or less. It all depends on the person. Some need more to get through the semester than others. I know one guy who lived 4 floors above me who moved in with just two suitcases… Yah. Not me.

Back-to-College Coffee Machines, Air Fryers, and Other Appliances


Happy back to school! May your professors be witty and your classes engaging.

All the peace,


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