Price: $200. Initial Price: $360.
Your offer: $100.
Seller's Counter Offer: $150.
Your Counter Offer: $78.
accepted by Seller.
Yes. The belt is completely, authentically, OFF-WHITE manufactured. Yes. I did get a brand-new OFF-WHITE belt for only $78. And yes, I'm going to tell you where to shop so that you can get the same deal.
My Guide to Online Thrifting:
You’d be surprised how many people sell authentic, never used, packaged designer online at a discounted price. However, the search engines give us online shoppers a VERY hard time. Sometimes it can take hours of browsing the World Wide Web to find the deal that I did. I’m going to give you the ultimate cheat sheet to avoid this.
Poshmark. This is where I got mine. In my opinion, you should look on Poshmark first. There’s hundreds of OFF-WHITE items that you can purchase or bargain.
Thredup. Thredup is the world’s largest online thrift store, and is a great place to look because they offer a high-quality guarantee. All items sent to Thredup are thoroughly examined and photographed by their employees to ensure YOU (the buyer) are getting the best deal. That’s not all either: all items donated that do not pass inspection are donated to local charities, clothing drives, schools, and low-income communities.
Ebay. Though a long-time classic, Ebay is great because you can always count on an item being in stock. I’ve never searched for an item and had the words “out of stock” appear on my screen. Be careful though, because the sellers on this site can be misleading.
Facebook Marketplace. I don’t know about you, but this one is pretty new to me. Not me spending 3 hours on Facebook Marketplace and buying a new wall decoration or denim jacket... (guilty as charged).
Curtsy. I LOVE this app. Not just because of how insanely adorable it is (kudos, Curtsy graphic design team), but also because it is so easy to use. Curtsy’s search engine is flawless when it comes to matching your keywords. This makes things sell quickly, so I advise making an offer as soon as you can!
Of course, there’s many others. The others are great too, but these are my top 5 that I would recommend to anyone who is a notorious online thrifter (me included). I base my rankings off of reliability, functionality, reputation, online presence, and trustworthiness. All of the 5 listed have met these criteria when I have purchased through them.
and that’s how I got a brand new, unused, limited edition OFF-WHITE belt.
All the peace,